Building & Grounds Committee
Mission: The mission of the committee is to act as a resource for collectively monitoring the condition of the grounds and buildings; to advise parish staff and groups regarding maintenance needs and priorities; to organize and participate in work parties; to set goals for enhancing the grounds and buildings; and, to pursue cost-savings measures wherever possible while maintaining our parish facilities in an attractive and functional state.
The Buildings and Grounds Committee meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm in Carvlin Hall. (During COVID-19 we have been meeting virtually or outside during the summer.) New committee members and project suggestions are warmly welcomed!
Funding Sources for Maintenance and Improvement Projects:
Your regular stewardship! (Thank you, very much!)
The Altar Society
Archdiocesan Safety Grants
Project-specific and anonymous donations
Periodic capital campaigns
Recent Accomplishments: (within the last three years)
Reliable subcontractors are on board and perform regular landscaping, mechanical equipment maintenance, and roofing repairs.
A major upgrade to outdoor security lighting has been completed which improves the effectiveness of our existing security cameras.
Our rain gardens, installed by the City of Portland to divert storm water flows from the municipal sewer system, are maturing and performing well.
Our food pantry has been relocated to the Parish Center and is always grateful for contributions from parishioners and neighbors.
Future Projects and Goals:
Our needs are ongoing at our expansive and aging campus. But many hands make light work! A few of our future scheduled or planned projects include:
Bocci Ball Court: There is a move afoot to rebuild our Bocci ball court! This is more than a tip of the hat to the Italian roots of our parish. Playing or watching this game of leisure and finesse is good for the soul for people of all ages and backgrounds and another great way in which to enjoy time together. If you have an interest in helping with the construction or funding of this addition to our grounds, please speak to a committee member or Fr. Andrew.
Sidewalk Repair: The next wave of sidewalk repairs is in the works thanks to the availability of funding from the Archdiocesan Safety Grant Program. Heaving sidewalks due to growing tree roots is the price we pay for our lovely tree canopy in Ladds Addition.
Roof Maintenance: Parish staff and a reliable roofing subcontractor are monitoring and maintaining the roof systems on our campus buildings more proactively to achieve as much life-span from our existing roof systems as possible. Unfortunately, the day will come when a major capital expense will be required to perform comprehensive maintenance or replacement of one or more of the roof systems. We will defer that need as long as possible, but planning for that eventuality is necessary. We welcome strategic input on this topic.
Volunteer Work Details & General Maintenance: Volunteer work parties are scheduled semi-annually in the spring and fall to tackle dedicated cleaning, organizing and maintenance tasks on the inside and outside of our parish facilities.Be on the lookout for organizational notices. Planning and completing these work details will be in accordance with current Multnomah County COVID-19 protocols. Thank you, all!
Emergencies: Periodically, emergency needs related to our campus buildings and grounds arise. Typically, the parish may appeal to parishioners with a needed skill or turn to a hired contractor to meet our needs. Please be attentive to our announcements and contact the Parish office if you can help.
Thank you so much for your interest in, and support of, your Buildings and Grounds Committee activities and goals. Again, we welcome all your suggestions and participation in our activities that seek to make St. Philip Neri Parish an attractive and well-maintained setting for our faith community to flourish.
Committee Members: Tim Merrill, John Arth, Bill Dietzler, Patrick Leonard, and Patrick Murphy.