SPN Finance Council
The Finance Council meets each month after the 9:30 mass in the Children's Iiturgy room in the church.
The Code of Canon Law (Canon 537) mandates finance councils in each parish. The role of this council assists and advises the pastor/administrator in the wise stewardship of the financial affairs of the parish. The Parish Finance Council and the Parish Pastoral Council are distinct in their consultative roles but collaborate.
The Parish Finance Council is accountable to the pastor/administrator, who has the responsibility for final decisions. If the advice of the Parish Finance Council is unanimous on a given matter, the pastor will give serious consideration to the recommendation.
The Parish Finance Council is to ensure that an inventory of the property of the parochial property is kept and renewed periodically.
It is to exercise vigilance so that the goods of the parish are in no way lost or damaged.
It is to ensure that the ownership of parish goods is protected by civilly valid methods and that no damage comes to the parish goods by non-observance of civil laws.
It is to draw up a report of the administration at the end of each fiscal year.
It is to prepare a budget in incomes and expenditures each year.
It is to give accountability to the parishioners concerning the goods offered by them to the parish.
If you believe that you can contribute with ideas and expertise to the parish as a Finance Council representative, please approach the pastor or any member of this council to learn more.
Current members: Ralph Carter, Kellee Harris, Kevin Kerr, Sara Stewart, Susan Wandtke, Cathy Watson, and Tom Welch