SPN Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council meets the second Sunday each month at 10:50 a.m. in Carvlin Hall from September through May.
The Parish Pastoral Council works to further the mission of the parish and functions as a consulting body to advise and assist he Pastor/Administrator in areas of pastoral concerns. Men and women who serve on this council meet to share faith and fellowship, while offering ideas for the administrator’s consideration in discerning the pastoral needs of St. Philip Neri. The council serves ALL parishioners.
The Pastoral Council consists of the parish administrator along with 4-6 members selected by method of discernment. Additional members, one from each parish committee or ministry, are appointed. In addition, any parish pastoral staff member whose work is relevant to the council’s considerations and activities may be considered---though not a member proper.
We look for council members to be humble and open individuals who aspire and model servant leadership, listening to the Spirit and striving to serve God’s people.
We look for members who share their time and talent for the betterment of the parish, OUR parish.
We look for members who bring their individual, unique gifts to uphold the mission of the parish. ("We, the community of St. Philip Neri, committed to the mission of Jesus Christ and dedicated to be welcoming, strive to reach out to all of God’s creation through the Word and the Eucharist for the common good.")
Prayerfully consider whether you are being called to serve on the St. Philip Neri Pastoral Council. If that discernment leads you to ask more questions, please approach the pastor or any member of this council to learn more.
Current members: Iris Brenk, Carol Laurich, Salome Nanyenga, Jan Schoen, Natalie De Ieso, Lew De Leon, and Mark Pettinger.