Benvenuti!  Welcome!

Yes, our Italian heritage is still evident from the 1913 founding of our church by the Paulist Fathers, as Portland’s second church in service to the Italian immigrant community. Today it has evolved into a multiethnic and welcoming community intent on showing genuine love for the human person and respect for all God’s creation. MORE >


Weekend mass times:

4PM Saturday Vigil

9:30AM Sunday Mass


We, the welcoming community of St. Philip Neri, empowered by the compassion of Jesus Christ and supported by the Eucharist and the Word, dedicate ourselves to engage with and enrich the lives of those we touch.


  • Parish Life

    Whether you are new to Portland, new to our area, new to anything being Catholic, we welcome you.

  • Sacraments

    As Catholics, we are fortunate to receive and celebrate the gifts of the sacraments.

  • Online Giving

    Financial donations provide resources to our parish and ministries to use where they are most effective.

  • Get Involved

    God gave each of us talents and gifts to meet the needs of our parish with generous hearts and hands.